
I keep on learning and have done exciting stuffs in these periods. Do check it out πŸ˜‰!

Official Website of NIT Patna β€”

Admin Portal -

Fogaze β€”

AI based chrome extension which tells a person’s health by detecting how many times he blinks his eyes working on his laptop

Helpdesk (11 Apr 2020-19 Apr 2020) β€”

Web App for HackOn Hackathon responsible for self-evaluation of health by interactive quizzes and other realtime updates

E-Yantra COVID-19 (1 Apr 2020-10 Apr 2020) β€”

Web App for hackathon organized by e-yantra for getting realtime solutions for the situations created due to pandemic

Robotics Club NITP (Feb 2020-Apr 2020) β€”

Create complete angular web app of HackSlash website

HackSlash Website (Feb 2020-Apr 2020) β€”

Designed and developed website of Robotics Club NIT Patna

Sentiment Analyzer (March 2020 – Apr 2020) β€”

Created complete NLP model to detect human sentiments by their expressed words

Railway Security System (23 Jan 2020-24 Jan 2020) β€”

Web App for Ministry of Railways made for Hack n Make 1.0 and this is selected in the top 5 solutions for the problem statement provided all over India and got the oppurtunity to get into the SIH Finals

SIKKIM EDUCATION PORTAL (18 Jan 2020-19 Jan 2020) β€”

Web App for Sikkim Government. made for HackNITP 2.0

Plant Disease Detection (Nov 2019 - Dec 2019) β€”

Created complete AI model to detect diseases in plants with an overwhelming accuracy of 99%